+41 22 710 93 00 contact@atic.ch

Switzerland is famous for chocolate, cheese, Meringue and fine wafers. But it is not only in food that our craftsmen excel. St. Gallen embroidery is globally recognized, our pewter jugs are relished all over the world, and our music boxes are valuable collectibles. And far from being supplanted by industrial production, the craft sector is full of enthusiasts who proudly represent the Swiss quality, rigor, and know-how. Jewelry and displays cases, local wines, fashion accessories, fine shortbread, musical instruments, decorative objects and wool apparel, the variety of crafts in Switzerland impresses by both its quality and its inventiveness. Always driven by a love of their job and the desire to constantly outperform, these artisans of modern times excel in preserving traditions while adapting their offer to the demands of today’s world. Their products are benchmarks of our country’s excellence, and many of them have even managed to expand their market beyond the borders. At Atic, we know the value of these outstanding creators, and as soon as the opportunity arises, we eagerly collaborate with them to offer you unique, tailor-made, ethical, and local products. Proud to show their know-how, these suppliers also appreciate this partnership and make sure to produce that personalized gift that will best meet your needs, while still managing to surprise you.