+41 22 710 93 00 contact@atic.ch

In business, relationships are the cornerstone of success. At Atic, we believe in the power of genuine, lasting relationships.

That’s why, for 40 years, we’ve made gift communication our mission, to help you create unforgettable moments.

Beyond Objects, an Emotion

Promotional gifts aren’t just items to be handed out. They are vectors of emotion, silent messengers of appreciation and respect.

We strive to find gifts that are more than just promotional. Whether it’s an engraved pen or a personalized gift box to celebrate a special moment, every item is an opportunity to pay special attention to your customer.

Personalization as an expression of your brand

We work closely with you to reflect your company’s personality, your values and the importance you place on each relationship.

So when you offer a personalized promotional gift, you’re sending a clear message: you care about your customers, partners and employees. You see them as full members of your professional community.

The Impact of Memorable Moments

In the end, what really counts are the unforgettable moments we help you create. Warm thanks and shared memories are your greatest reward, and contributing to them is part of ours too.

Contact us today to discuss
how we can create
unique corporate gifts
that evoke genuine emotions.